Trump torches Harris on response to debate question about inflation

 September 14, 2024

The debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris generated a mountain of headlines and opportunities for each candidate to reflect.

According to Fox News, in the wake of the debate, Trump offered his opinion on Harris regarding one of her remarks about inflation during the debate, describing her answer on the topic as "one of the dumbest answers."

In his usual fashion, the former president held nothing back as he ripped Harris for essentially dodging the question and then rambling on about her childhood when asked about it.

The former president revealed how he felt about her answer during a visit to Rancho Palos Verdes, California.

"The first question she was given at the debate. Gave one of the dumbest answers. They were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago?" Trump said.

Trump added, "Prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before, and just the concept of being better off, she didn't, she didn't give the answer. She talked about when she grew up. Nobody knew what the hell she was talking about."

The former president then spoke about his own debate performance, which he believes went well.

"I thought the debate was great," and "I thought I did very well, but I was fighting three people," Trump said, referring to the ABC moderators. Many believe Trump was treated noticeably differently by the ABC moderators, who seemed eager to fact-check him on the spot and let Harris have free reign to say whatever she pleased.

"I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC. I think, considered the worst by me, considered the worst broadcaster out there," Trump said.

While visiting Harris' home state, Trump warned of the dangers of voting for Harris and putting her back in the White House as president.

"I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people -- we cannot allow Comrade Kamala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California," Trump said.

He added, "The state of California is a mess, with people leaving and nothing's going to stop them. They going to other states. Some are going to other countries. But what they've done, [Gov.] Gavin Newsom and Kamala and I want to say Kamala moreso — she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state."

Some have called for Trump and Harris to debate once more, but Trump's campaign recently indicated that it's unlikely that will happen before the election.