Trump suggests he'd support Joe Biden impeachment inquiry

 August 3, 2023

A growing number of Republicans have called for the GOP-led House to open an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, and in not so many words, former President Donald Trump seemingly joined that chorus.

In an exclusive Breitbart interview, the former president didn't specifically say he believes Biden should be impeached, but heavily suggested so.

Trump told Breitbart that he hopes Congress does "the proper thing" on the subject of growing calls for the president's impeachment, including recent rhetoric suggesting the same from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

The outlet noted:

To do so, Congress would need a majority vote—218 members of the House—to authorize the significant escalation. Opening an impeachment inquiry is not a vote to impeach the president, though such a move could come later, but it is an extraordinary step in that direction that also infuses new powers into the Congress as it pursues information to make a case against the president.

Trump noted in the interview, held at his New Jersey golf club, that House Democrats impeached him twice over what he -- and many others -- believe were none-issues.

"They impeached me over a perfect phone call," Trump said.

The former president added, "This guy has stolen millions of dollars and done worse than that—look at what he’s done to the country with the inflation, with the energy, with taking away people’s rights, with the weaponized DOJ."

"No, they impeached me over a perfect phone call. Here’s a guy who has stolen millions of dollars and done other things that are so bad. Our country is in a position where it’s just so sad to see what’s happening," he continued.

When asked about impeaching Joe Biden, Trump shied away from the issue for the most part, not directly calling for his impeachment but instead said he hopes Congress does "the proper thing." Many believe that signaled his support for such an action.

"I don’t want to comment on it, but I think people understand—nobody’s ever seen anything like that," the 45th president said. "We’ll see what they do. Let them make their decision. They should do the proper thing. Let them make their decision."

Many have called for the Republican-controlled House to impeach not only Biden, but a number of his top officials, including U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and others.

Support has increased from within the party's ranks to tackle impeachments of his officials. Should they train their sights on the president, it would be significant, given the elderly president is desperately attempting to gain ground in his quest to win reelection to the White House.

Only time will tell if Republicans pull the trigger, but it'll have to be Speaker McCarthy's call.