Trump special prosecutor Jack Smith spent $9 million in four months trying to 'get' Trump

By Jen Krausz on
 July 9, 2023

Between his appointment in November and the end of March, special prosecutor Jack Smith spent over $9 million trying to nail former President Donald Trump to the wall.

Figures the DOJ released Friday show that Smith spent $5.4 million from his own budget on personnel, rent, and other costs. The other $3.8 million came from other agencies, including $1.9 million for Smith's security detail from the U.S. Marshalls.

As the investigation reached fever pitch and concluded with an indictment in June, many more millions may have been spent.

Smith's spending in four months roughly equals special counsel John Durham's spending in 3 1/2 years of investigating the origins of Trump-Russia collusion.

Clearly, Smith is pulling out all the stops to get Trump.

And he's using millions of our taxpayer dollars to do it -- shame on him.