Trump 'Shocked' And 'Surprised' By Carlson Firing - 'A Very Good Man'

 April 28, 2023

Before anybody in America knew the real story behind why Tucker Carlson and Fox News parted ways, Donald Trump was floating his own theories.

According to Trump, he suspects that Carlson walked away from Fox News because he was not being given free rein at the company.

In the same interview, he also said he was surprised by the network's decision to settle its legal battle with Dominion Voting Systems. Of course, Trump had to say that, or else reveal to America that he didn't really believe the 2020 election was stolen.

Trump said that he didn't know if Carlson quit or was fired, but either way Tucker's "a good person, a very good man."

"Well, I’m shocked," Trump said during an interview on Newsmax TV. "I’m surprised. He’s a very good person, a very good man, very talented, as you know. And he had very high ratings, I don’t know if it was voluntary or was somebody fired. But I think Tucker has been terrific, especially over the last year or so. He’s been terrific to me." Trump added:

I was surprised they made a settlement on that case. That was a case should easily be won, and they made a settlement. Look, you’ll have to ask them. I’m not representing them at all by any means. But the Tucker situation — look, you don’t know if it was a firing. Maybe he left because he wasn’t being given his free rein. He wants free rein, maybe. But I was surprised by it.