Trump secures endorsements from all members of GOP House leadership

 January 5, 2024

As Donald Trump's 2024 campaign continues to go from strength to strength, the former president on Wednesday locked down the final endorsement needed in order for him to boast the full support of current Republican leadership in the House, as the New York Post reports.

The pivotal nod came from House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN), who posted his statement of endorsement to X, as The Hill noted.

“Democrats have made clear that they will use every tool in their arsenal to try and keep Joe Biden and his failed policies in power. We cannot let them,” Emmer wrote.

The Minnesota Republican went on, “It's time for Republicans to unite behind our party's clear frontrunner, which is why I am proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for President.”

Emmer's words of support for Trump came as something of a surprise, given a statement he made last year suggesting that he might not be offering a presidential endorsement in the current primary cycle.

Indeed, Emmer and Trump have had notable friction in the past, with the latter speaking out against the former's brief bid to replace former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy back in October.

At the time, Trump labeled Emmer a “Globalist RINO” and warned that his potential elevation to the speaker's role would be a “tragic mistake.”

However, Emmer appeared to soften in terms of lending his support to Trump's campaign once House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) announced his endorsement of the former president on Tuesday.

In making his intentions known, as The Hill reported separately, Scalise said, “I am proud to endorse Donald Trump for president in 2024, and I look forward to working with President Trump and a Republican House and Senate to fight for those families who are struggling under the weight of Biden's failed policies.”

The endorsements of Scalise and Emmer rounded out the full complement of House GOP leadership nods for Trump, a group which also includes that of Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY), and National Republican Congressional Committee Chair Richard Hudson (R-NC).

Wednesday also saw Trump notch another high-profile Republican endorsement, namely that of Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), who also took to X to declare his support.

“When Donald Trump was president, America was safe, strong, and prosperous. The economy was booming, working-class wages were growing, our border was secure, and our enemies feared us,” Cotton wrote.

The senator went on, “With Joe Biden as president, everything has gone to hell: families can't afford groceries, our border is wide open to a full-blown invasion, and our enemies are starting wars, everywhere.”

On Friday, Trump racked up yet another declaration of support, this time from Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), who stated that the former president is “the only candidate” capable of bringing “prosperity and security” back to the nation, sentiments with which growing numbers of her legislative colleagues apparently agree.