Trump says there are 'two standards of justice in this country'

 June 13, 2023

Former President Donald Trump made his first public statements since being indicted on federal charges.

Trump said he will slam "Democrat Communists" who "want to jail their opponents" in a speech at the Georgia Republican Party state convention.

"Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, on Thursday announced that the Justice Department had indicted him in relation to the classified documents case, and the 49-page document was unsealed on Friday," reported Breitbart. "In the speech, Trump is set to touch on the indictment, asserting there are “two standards of justice in the country."

"Together, we stand up to the globalists. We stand up to the Marxists. We stand up to the RINOs, Communists, and environmental extremists. We stand up to the Open Borders fanatics, the Radical Left Democrats, their lawless partisan prosecutors, and the Fake News media," Trump said.

"On November 5th, 2024, we are going to stand up to the corrupt political establishment, we are going to evict a totally corrupt Joe Biden from the White House, and we are going to FINISH what we started!" Trump hammered.

"In the end, they’re not coming after ME, they’re coming after YOU—and I’m just standing in their way," Trump added.

"We now have two standards of justice in our country," Trump continued. "The Democrat Communists want to jail their opponents while they protect the murderers who prowl our cities day and night, and other brazen criminals."

"Trump is expected to point out that the indictment came on the same day that House Republicans reviewed an FD-1023 document that 'reportedly described suspicions that then-former Vice President Biden had been tied to a $5 million bribery plot involving foreign businesses and subverting U.S. foreign policy,'" Breitbart reported.

"Either we have a Deep State, or we have a Democracy… Either the Deep State destroys America, or WE destroy the Deep State," Trump said.