Trump Says He's Made Up Mind About VP Pick

 January 12, 2024

Former President Donald Trump just dropped a huge announcement regarding his choice for the vice president if he is selected as the Republican nominee.

When Fox News moderators sat down with the former president, they asked him point blank whether he knows who his vice-presidential pick would be in the event he wins.

Trump’s response?

“I can’t tell you that really. I mean, I know who it’s going to be,” Trump told Fox News interviewers.

He knows who it is going to be.

According to NBC News, Trump’s campaign later said, “Nothing is finalized,” but with statements like the former president's at the Fox News event, it’s hard not to think the president may, indeed, know exactly whom he has in mind for the role.

Could this just mean they haven’t asked the candidate yet, despite having a clear choice in mind?

Regardless of the person toward whom Trump is leaning, his selection, will, without a doubt, shake things up!