Trump says Biden should 'immediately end bloodshed in Ukraine'

By Jen Krausz on
 July 12, 2023

GOP presidential frontrunner and former President Donald Trump called on Tuesday for President Joe Biden to “immediately end the bloodshed in Ukraine” and for a return “to a focus on America’s vital interest."

“Joe Biden should not be dragging us further toward World War III,” Trump said in reaction to Biden's decision to give dangerous and controversial cluster munitions to Ukraine as further aid in the war effort.

Biden admitted that the U.S. was "low on" the munitions, but said he thought Ukraine "needed them."

“It took me a while to be convinced to do it. But the main thing is, they either have the weapons to stop the Russians now…keep them from stopping the Ukrainian offensive through these areas, or they don’t. And I think they needed them,” Biden said during an appearance on CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS.

Trump pointed out that the cluster bombs could have a long-lasting impact on the region.

"He should be trying to END the war and stop the horrific death and destruction being caused by an incompetent administration. These unexploded cluster munitions will be killing and maiming innocent Ukrainian men, women, and children for decades to come, long after the war—we pray—has ended," he said.