Trump Says Biden Border Policies Are 'A Destruction Of Our Country'

 May 25, 2023

Most REAL Americans would agree that President Joe Biden's attempts at leaving our southern border completely open will eventually have catastrophic effects on America.

Unfortunately, most of these people don't have millions and millions of people in the palm of their hands when they say something like that.

Former President Donald Trump does however, and he's using that popularity to alert America that our porous southern border could soon be one of the biggest problems in the entire world, if it isn't already.

According to Trump, America had "the safest border that we've ever had three years ago, we've never had a border anywhere close to it."

These days though, it seems as if almost nothing is separating America from Mexico. Illegal immigrants from all over the world are travelling to Mexico in an attempt to sneak into America, and Biden seems perfectly content to let it happen.

It's been liberal logic for a while that the more illegal immigrants there are in America, the more liberal voters there will be. That's why they've fought so hard to not require identification at voting places.

Do you think Trump has what it takes to secure our border again if elected, or has Biden damaged things beyond repair?