Trump Requests Indefinite Postponement Of Trial Date

 July 12, 2023

Former President Donald Trump has given his answer on whether he wants to actually face his federal charges or not.


Trump would rather have the trail postponed indefinitely.

So that's what he's proposing.

"This extraordinary case presents a serious challenge to both the fact and perception of our American democracy," Trump's lawyers wrote in an argument about why their client shouldn't have to go to trial anytime soon. The attorneys continued:

The court now presides over a prosecution advanced by the administration of a sitting president against his chief political rival, himself a leading candidate for the presidency of the United States. Therefore, a measured consideration and timeline that allows for a careful and complete review of the procedures that led to this indictment and the unprecedented legal issues presented herein best serves the interests of the defendants and the public.

"This schedule makes trial preparation with both of the defendants challenging. Such preparation requires significant planning and time," they concluded. "There is simply no question any trial of this action during the pendency of a presidential election will impact both the outcome of that election, and, importantly, the ability of the defendants to obtain a fair trial."