Trump Predicts Auto Industry About To Collapse

 September 7, 2023

Donald Trump has a warning for America:

Joe Biden is going to ruin America's auto industry.

Just like he ruined our economy.

Just like he ruined our southern border.

Just like he ruined the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Trump doesn't want America's auto industry to die, but that seems to be exactly where Joe Biden is taking it.

Trump recently took to his own social media platform, Truth Social, to give his true feelings on the matter:

The Great State of Michigan will not have an auto industry anymore if Crooked Joe Biden’s crazed concept of 'all Electric Cars' goes into effect. CHINA WILL TAKE IT ALL, 100%. United Auto Workers, VOTE FOR TRUMP. Get your leaders to ENDORSE ME, I WILL KEEP ALL OF THESE GREAT JOBS, AND BRING IN MANY MORE. CHOICE IN SCHOOLS, AND CHOICE IN CARS!!!

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