Trump Leads All Republicans, Biden In Iowa

 August 29, 2023

It's Trump versus everybody at this point.

And Trump is winning.

Iowa is an important primary state for many reasons. As a result, who is in the lead in the polls there really matters.

Early momentum can often be the difference in a presidential campaign, so none of the candidates are wanting to get off to a slow start.

But none of them are starting as fast as former President Donald Trump.

It doesn't matter if you're a Republican or a Democrat, Trump is beating you in Iowa.

When given their choice out of EVERY possible Republican candidate, Donald Trump is the favorite of Republican voters in Iowa.

Trump is doing just as well against liberal competition as well.

In a head-to-head matchup against Joe Biden, guess who wins?

You're right, it IS Donald Trump. How did you guess?

Democrats have been trying to kill Trump's campaign with their little indictments, but they haven't been able to bury Trump yet.