Trump lays out long-term plans in the event of victory in next year's presidential election

 August 7, 2023

Former President Donald Trump conducted a long-form video interview with Breitbart News in which he revealed his long-term plans in the event that he wins next year's presidential election.

Trump is liking his chances of winning next year, as he has a comfortable lead over his competitors in the race for the nomination. Trump is also either tied or ahead of President Joe Biden in many national surveys.

When Trump was asked whether he believed he would win next year, he responded by saying, "I think so. I hope so. I hope so for the country or we’re going to have a country that’s finished. I have people coming up to me all the time crying — men, women, strong people, smart people — and they’re crying say ‘if you don’t win, sir, our country is finished. Our country is finished.’ I believe it."

Trump covered every topic from the southern border to the war in Ukraine, and he has solutions and plans for each issue that President Biden has allowed to plague the nation.

The former president went on to say, "I think it’s going to be won on the economy — and it’s going to be won somewhat on holding China back and holding all these countries back that are all after us."

The full interview includes elaborate plans and hope for the American people who have watched the nation decline over the past three years.