Trump Jr's Choice For Father's VP Would NOT Be Nikki Haley

 December 14, 2023

Donald Trump Jr. just made a shocking confession regarding his feelings on whom former President Donald Trump should pick for his 2024 running mate.

Trump Jr. wants to make sure his father steers clear of one candidate during his run for the presidency.

That candidate goes by the name of Nikki Haley.

Trump Jr. told Newsmax he is not interested in Haley, saying he would “go to great lengths” to keep her out of the White House.

He didn’t stop there.

“All we’d get from her is never-ending wars and … a team trying to destroy Donald Trump from within forever,” said Trump Jr.

He had still had not finished driving his point home quite yet.

Trump Jr. even went so far as to predict that Haley’s performance as a vice president would be “a disaster of epic proportions.”

Trump Jr. has made his feelings crystal clear.

Haley is NOT the right running mate for Donald Trump.

The real question is, does the former president agree?