Trump hints that he might debate a 'serious' GOP opponent after New Hampshire primary

 December 27, 2023

Former President Donald Trump has received both praise and criticism for his decision to stay out of the GOP primary debates, arguing that his lead is so established that it's essentially a waste of time.

According to the Washington Examiner, in a recent radio interview with host Hugh Hewitt, Trump hinted that he may be open to a debate, if it comes down to him and one other "serious" candidate.

The Examiner noted that the most likely GOP candidate to be taken seriously by Trump and his camp is former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who is the only candidate besides Trump who has seen respectable gains in the polls.

Trump said he would make such a decision after the New Hampshire primary results are in, which would be on Jan. 23.

"Yeah, I would, if it was very close, I would debate that Republican," Trump said, referencing the possibility of Haley or another candidate getting close to his numbers.

Trump insisted that despite his willingness to debate, he's "not worried" about Haley's recent bump in some of the GOP primary polls.

As far as debating President Joe Biden, Trump is all for it, even asking if there could be "10 debates."

"Oh, will I look forward to that," Trump said when asked about the possibility of debating Biden. "How about 10 debates?"

The Examiner noted:

The former president said he would "do 20 debates" even if they were hosted by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, an organization that Republicans have long criticized over moderators and fairness.

"They are totally corrupt, and they’re terrible. With that being said, I would do 20 debates, even if it was organized by them. I would do as many debates as they want," Trump said. "I’d do a debate every night with this guy."

Biden and the White House, so far, have resisted calls for debates with third-party and independent candidates. Many believe his campaign will try to run another "basement campaign" for the 2024 election, especially given his increased number of gaffes.

Any reasonable person knows that Trump will utterly humiliate Biden in a debate. It won't even be close.

Hopefully, we get to see that happen.