Trump Gives 7 Hours Of Depositions In Lawsuit Against His Businesses

 April 17, 2023

Former President Donald Trump answered seven hours' worth of questions during a recent deposition.

The deposition was taken as part of a lawsuit filed by New York Attorney General Letitia James against the Trump Organization.

Trump's attorney, Alina Habba, said Trump was "not only willing but also eager to testify."

"James' lawsuit, which was filed last year, alleges the former president and his family deceived banks and different business associates by providing false information about his net worth and value of assets," reports JustTheNews.

Christopher Kise, a lawyer for Trump's businesses, said the former president had spent the seven hours "describing in detail his extraordinary business success."

The lawsuit against Trump is expected to go to trial in October.

Trump called the suit "unjust" in a TRUTH Social post last week.

"Just arrived in Manhattan for a deposition in front of New York State’s RACIST, TRUMP HATING Attorney General, Letitia 'Peekaboo' James, in another unjust & ridiculous persecution of The 45th President of the United States," Trump posted.

"I built a GREAT & prosperous company, employed thousands of people, built magnificent structures all over the World, but particularly in New York, & now have to prove it to this LOWLIFE who campaigned on a 'I will get Trump' platform, even before knowing anything about me!" he addded.