Trump Fans Promise To Support Him 'Even If He's In Jail'

 August 15, 2023

Liberals think that every time they indict Donald Trump, it takes them one step closer to permanently defeating him.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, after each new thing of which liberals accuse Trump, his base only seems to support him that much more.

That's because, to the MAGA crowd, each indictment isn't proof that Trump is corrupt, it's proof that there's a witch hunt being conducted against him.

Just ask some of the people who recently showed up to a Trump rally in Windham, New Hampshire.

"Even if he’s in jail I will vote for him," a supporter said. "He’s being indicted because of political reasons. It’s a political game they’re playing, and it’s not right. They’re going to keep on doing it until they get him out of the picture. And he’s a strong survivor."

Liberals think that they are squashing Trump by indicting him.

In reality, they're simply igniting Trump's base.