Trump draws crowd of 50,000 in Pickens, Georgia for rally

By Jen Krausz on
 July 4, 2023

A massive rally for former President Donald Trump drew more than 50,000 people on Saturday in Pickens, Georgia, a town of only 3,400.

It was Trump's second-largest rally for the 2024 presidential campaign season after a Waco, Texas rally in March.

People came from all over to attend the rally and show their support for Trump, who is the current frontrunner by far in the GOP primary contest.

They filled the venue and lined the streets of the small town.

Although two other candidates are from the state of South Carolina -- former Governor Nikki Haley and Sen. Tim Scott -- neither has had the drawing power of Trump to their events there.

It's getting to the point where it will be difficult for any other candidate to overtake Trump, particularly when his supporters seem unfazed or even mobilized by two pending indictments that they consider politically motivated and frivolous.