Trump dominates GOP rivals in new poll, has 49-point lead over closest competitor

 January 2, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has a mountain of legal challenges in front of him, but not a single one has stopped his momentum in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

According to Newsmax, Trump continues to dominate all of his GOP rivals, including the only one who seems to have a remote chance at competing, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

That was evidenced in a brand new USA Today/Suffolk University poll that showed Trump with an almost unbelievable lead, garnering 62% support.

Haley, who has seen a few noticeable bumps in support over recent weeks, only managed to garner 13% support.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, once seen as a formidable competitor, has fallen back to 10% support as his campaign troubles continue to mount.

Rounding out the top five are entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who garnered 6% and 4% support, respectively.

In other words, that gives Trump an overwhelming 49-point lead against his closest competitor, meaning short of something absolutely unprecedented, Trump will easily clinch the nomination.

The poll, which was the first one published in the new year, is nothing less than a nightmare for Trump's opponents, who all were hoping for a last-minute miracle to put them in a position where they might actually have a shot at winning.

But as many, many polls have indicated over the past several months, Trump remains strongly on top without a worry in sight.

The GOP primary cycle begins Jan. 15, and many have urged the remaining candidates to give it up and rally behind the former president, who also happens to have a solid lead against President Joe Biden.

Social media users reacted, with one writing, "13 nights from now, we will never hear about other GOP candidates besides Trump for the remainder of the 2024 cycle, and most of the GOP unites around Trump as the nominee. It will be a flawless victory, I think he’ll win Iowa by 30 points." 

As Trump marches on toward the finish line, the next big news will be who he decides to pick for his running mate.

Many have hinted that it will likely be a female candidate, which would make sense politically. Given the deep bench of the Republican Party right now, it's anyone's guess.