Trump Dines With Fox Executives After Learning Of 3rd Indictment

 August 4, 2023

I guess by the time your third indictment rolls around, you're kind of used to it.

That appeared to be the case for Donald Trump, as our former president was seen conducting business as usual later in the same day that his third indictment was announced.

Instead of sulking at home, Trump was out and about having business meetings.

With the top leadership at Fox News.

They were BEGGING him to "attend the first Republican presidential primary debate this month, three people familiar with the event said," according to Yahoo! News.

Trump's dinner guests at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey consisted of Fox News president Jay Wallace and network CEO, Suzanne Scott.

The former president has been very public with his skepticism about showing up to the first Republican debate.

Trump recently even said that it would be "sort of foolish" or even "stupid" for him to attend the debates.

What do you think? Will Donald Trump show up that night or not? Let us know your opinion in the comments below.