Trump demands voter ID changes as 'condition' for California fire aid

 January 25, 2025

President Donald Trump is willing to help the people of Los Angeles with more federal aid to deal with its wildfire recovery, but only if the state of California is willing to help him keep America's future elections secure.

According to the New York Post, Trump said Friday that California must pass legislation requiring its voters to present IDs at the polls before the state gets any more federal aid to deal with its ongoing wildfire crisis.

"In California, I have a condition: in California, we want them to have voter ID so the people have a voice because right now, the people don’t have a voice because you don’t know who’s voting, and it’s very corrupt," Trump recently said while in North Carolina.

He also pointed to California's water management practices as a contributor to the crisis.

"And we also want them to release the water. If they release the water, they wouldn’t have a problem," he said.

Trump's voter ID demands caught many off guard because there is no major election on the immediate horizon in the Democrat-dominated state.

Despite winning both the electoral college and popular vote across the country, Trump lost the state of California to Kamala Harris by at least 3,000,000 votes in November.