Trump Claims Secret Service Knows Who Brought Coke To White House

 July 18, 2023

"They know the person."

Former President Donald Trump thinks that the U.S. Secret Service absolutely knows who brought cocaine into this country's White House.

They simply aren't telling us.

Trump thinks that they know the truth, they simply won't admit it to America.


The Secret Service is protecting liberals, according to Trump.

Just like the "weaponized" Department of Justice and our Federal Bureau of Investigation have been doing.

"The DOJ is weaponized like I’ve never seen before. They come after me on boxes and they can’t find drugs. Do you know how many cameras they have opposite the front door of the Situation Room where these drugs were — the cocaine — now I understand they have many other forms of drugs. They know who this was. They know the person. It’s impossible, how can they not know the person," Trump said.

"You know, I’ve gotten to know the Secret Service really well, okay. And I can’t speak more highly, these are incredible people. And I believe that they know everything. They’re really smart and really good at what they do. And I don’t think it’s possible for bags of cocaine to be left in a certain area — by the Situation Room. I’m not talking about, you know, five blocks away. The Situation Room where you decide on war, where you decide on nuclear," Trump concluded.