Trump Calls Jack Smith A 'Lunatic' Over Proposed Trial Date

 August 12, 2023

Donald Trump has a new name for the special counsel who is aggressively pursuing charges against him.

"Lunatic" Jack Smith.

Also "Deranged Jack Smith."

Pick a negative adjective, and Trump is probably willing to put it before the words "Jack Smith."

"Deranged Jack Smith has just asked for a trial on the Biden Indictment to take place on January 2nd., just ahead of the important Iowa Caucuses," Trump said on Truth Social. "Only an out of touch lunatic would ask for such a date, ONE DAY into the New Year, and maximum Election Interference with IOWA!"

"Such a trial, which should never take place due to my First Amendment Rights, and massive BIDEN CORRUPTION, should only happen, if at all, AFTER THE ELECTION," Trump added. "The same with other Fake Biden Indictments. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!"

Do you think that this trial will actually happen as soon as January 2024?

Or will Donald's team end up having more time than that?

Let us know in the comment section below.