Trump Calls Border Bill 'Death Wish' For Republican Party

 February 6, 2024

The new border security bill may as well be a SUICIDE attempt for Republicans, and former President Donald Trump agrees.

Trump took to Truth Social to share his thoughts on the measure.

“Only a fool, or a Radical Left Democrat, would vote for this horrendous Border Bill, which only gives Shutdown Authority after 5000 Encounters a day, when we already have the right to CLOSE THE BORDER NOW, which must be done,” Trump wrote in his recent post.

He did NOT stop there.

Trump went on to call the bill a “death wish for the Republican Party.”

“It takes the HORRIBLE JOB the Democrats have done on Immigration and the Border, absolves them, and puts it all squarely on the shoulders of Republicans,” Trump continued.

Trump is right.

We need bills that benefit AMERICANS, not the illegal immigrants entering our country or the politicians allowing it all to happen.

What do you think of the proposed border security bill?

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