Trump blasts 'terrible' Fox host Steve Doocy: 'He's not as nice as he should be'

By Jen Krausz on
 January 20, 2024

Former President Donald Trump blasted "terrible" Fox News host Steve Doocy during an interview with The National File's Raseem Kassam, saying that "he's not as nice as he should be."

The comments came as Trump was discussing other Fox News hosts, whom he mostly seemed to like.

“Jesse’s [Watters] been great, Greg’s been great, Greg Gutfeld has been, I mean, look at what he’s done, right?” continued Trump. “They’ve all been, they’ve all been good. You look on Saturday, it’s fantastic with with Pete Hegseth and Rachel [Campos-Duffy] and Will [Cain]. And so we get a lot of, you know, good support. And lately, Brian Kilmeade’s been great, but Steve Doocy’s been terrible. I mean, to me he’s been just terrible. I think he’s hurting the show.”

Trump told Kassam that he watches Fox & Friends on a regular basis.

His frustration seems to be based on comments Doocy made in the last few days and months.

“He knew that he had lost because he was told by a bunch of people, ‘You’ve lost, Mr. President.’ But he kept repeating the lie, and these conspiracy charges were about, are about how the people around him, six co-conspirators, figured ways to keep that lie going,” Doocy said, though co-host Brian Kilmeade provided a contrary point of view.