Trump blasts DeWine for vetoing gender-affirming healthcare for minors

By Jen Krausz on
 January 1, 2024

Former President Donald Trump blasted Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) on Saturday for vetoing a ban on gender-affirming health care for minors, i.e. hormone treatments and medical transitioning surgeries in an attempt to change the minor's gender.

Trump called such healthcare "child mutilation" and said he would not be involved with DeWine anymore politically.

“DeWine has fallen to the Radical Left,” Trump said in a Truth Social post. “No wonder he gets loudly booed in Ohio every time I introduce him at Rallies, but I won’t be introducing him any more. I’m finished with this ‘stiff.’ What was he thinking. The bill would have stopped child mutilation, and prevented men from playing in women’s sports. Legislature will hopefully overturn. Do it FAST!!!”

Many states governed by Republicans have followed the lead of countries in much more liberal Europe that have recognized the dangers of such healthcare for children and moved to ban it.

It's one thing for an adult to make medical decisions for themselves, but children should be given more time to mature before being allowed to do so.

In some states, like Pennsylvania, minors are given the right to make their own medical decisions as young as 14.