Trump, Biden tied in hypothetical matchup: WSJ poll

By Jen Krausz on
 September 5, 2023

A new Wall Street Journal poll showed that former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are tied at 46% each in a hypothetical matchup that includes only those two options.

The poll asked respondents, “If the 2024 general election for President were held today and the candidates were Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, for whom would you vote?”

Trump gained one point, and Biden lost two points since the last time the poll was taken in April.

When Green Party candidate Cornel West and Libertarian Lars Mapstead are included in the matchup to make it more realistic, Trump leads Biden by one point, 40% to 39%. In that matchup, 17% said they were undecided.

With only one point between them, the poll is still within the margin of error in any case, making it too close to call.

It's still anyone's guess whether enough voters can overcome their Trump hatred and cast ballots for him to push him past Biden this time.