Trump Beating DeSantis By Eight Points In Head-To-Head Matchup

 March 25, 2023

The latest Yahoo/YouGov poll has revealed just what Donald Trump and his fans were hoping for.

The former star of The Apprentice is in the lead.

Of the Republican-leaning Americans that were questioned in the poll, 47% say they would prefer Trump over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in a head-to-head matchup. Thirty-nine percent of those surveyed backed DeSantis.

These figures are unchanged since the last time this poll was conducted back in February.

In addition to a head-to-head matchup between DeSantis and Trump, the poll also questioned voters about how they felt about the entire Republican field. In that poll, Trump collected 44% support. DeSantis drops down to 28%.

Also collecting support in that survey is South Carolina Republican Nikki Haley at 5%, former Vice President Mike Pence at 4%, Glen Youngkin of Virginia and Liz Cheney of Wyoming are at 2% each, Chris Christie of New Jersey and Larry Hogan of Maryland each collected 1% support.