Trump Slams UAW President: 'Get Rid Of This Dope'

 January 30, 2024

Former President Donald Trump is NOT a fan of United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain.

Anybody who follows Trump on Truth Social got a very clear example of that on Jan. 28.

Trump apparently watched Fain's appearance on CBS News' Face the Nation early on Sunday, and it didn't sit well with him.

The former president accused Fain of being a "STIFF" who is selling the automobile industry "right into the big, powerful hands of China."

"Fain bought into Biden’s ‘vision’ of all Electric Vehicles, which require far fewer workers to make each car but, more importantly, are not wanted in large numbers by the consumer, and will ALL be made in China," Trump said.

"I want them to be made in the USA, every type of car, and would require China, and other countries, through TARIFFS, or otherwise, to build plants here, with our workers. Now they are building in Mexico, the biggest plants anywhere, and selling their cars, Tariff Free, into the good ol’ USA. Shawn Fain doesn’t understand this or have a clue. Get rid of this dope & vote for DJT. I will bring the Automobile Industry back to our Country," Trump concluded.