Trump's ad spend totals 25 times more than Harris's through August

By Jen Krausz on
 July 25, 2024

Democrats have just thrown President Joe Biden over the cliff and installed Vice President Kamala Harris as their nominee for president in 2024, but have they already failed when it comes to defining Harris as a candidate?

An Associated Press analysis showed that the Donald Trump campaign is spending roughly 25 times as much as the Harris campaign between now and the end of August, $68 million vs. $2.6 million.

The AP admitted that Harris could very well end up spending more as the weeks go on, but it is still concerning for Democrats at a time when the public may be forming an impression of her.

“Public opinion is like cement. It’s soft at first and then it hardens,” Sarah Longwell, co-founder of Republican Voters Against Trump, said. “The next three weeks are definitive. She needs to define herself before Trump defines her.”

She's got tons of money, but it's possible that no one had the foresight to make some ads for her before Biden was pushed out.

Trump, apparently, saw the writing on the wall and had material ready to go, putting Harris behind the eight ball right out of the gate.