Trump 7% ahead of Biden in swing states, new poll says

By Jen Krausz on
 July 6, 2023

If the election were held today, former President Donald Trump would hold a 7% lead over President Joe Biden in swing states, 48%-41%, according to a new poll from Echelon Insights

Biden has a 1-point lead over Trump with likely voters nationwide, 43% to 42%. Swing states are more instrumental in presidential elections than the popular vote, however.

When 3rd party candidate Cornel West was included in the race, Trump's lead over Biden in swing states increased to 48%-40%.

"There is always a danger a third-party candidate can impact the Electoral College results, particularly if they receive enough votes in a battleground state or states to change the outcome," David B. Cohen, a political science professor at the University of Akron in Ohio, said in Newsweek. "In a close election, Cornel West could well be a spoiler."

Looking at Trump's nearest GOP rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Biden would get 45% while DeSantis got 42% in the overall vote. In swing states, DeSantis would be one point ahead of Biden, 44% to 43%, well within the poll's 3.9% margin of error.

Biden looks likely to have major problems with voters due to his diminished mental state and failed policies. Voters are looking for alternatives to his dubious record, and seemingly Trump looks like the best option so far.