Trump 6 points ahead of Biden, beating all GOP challengers in new polls after indictment

By Jen Krausz on
 June 20, 2023

Former President Donald Trump is six points ahead of President Joe Biden in the latest Harvard/Harris poll and also leads all GOP challengers following a second indictment.

Trump is at 45% and Biden at 39% in the poll; against DeSantis, Biden only trails by one point, 41% to 40%.

The indictment has only seemed to strengthen voters' resolve to re-elect Trump, both as the Republican nominee and in a general election matchup.

There's still plenty of time for their sympathy for Trump to cool before it's time to pull the lever, but at this point, enough voters seem to think he's being railroaded and that the indictments are unfair.

Democrats have been counting on Trump's unpopularity to push Biden quietly across the finish line again, but it seems that voters may think Biden has caused too much damage to the economy, at the border, and in other areas to have earned another term.

The poll's margin of error was not specified.