Tragic truck wreck leaves 51 dead in Kenya

 July 2, 2023

A truck collided with multiple vehicles on Friday night in the town of Londiani, about 125 miles northwest of the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. The collision killed at least 51, with dozens more hospitalized or injured.

There may still be more bodies trapped in the wreckage, so that horrific statistic may yet climb.

The Kenya Red Cross Society confirmed over 30 individuals injured and called for people to donate blood.

A truck with a trailer lost control and collided with six other vehicles and rescue efforts were hampered by a storm. It's likely that the initial cause of the accident was weather-related.

Kithure Kindiki, the Kenyan cabinet secretary for Interior and National Administration, responded to the tragedy saying, "The fatal road accident at Londiani Junction in Kericho County this Friday evening is a tragedy that marks a dark end to the month of June 2023. Heartfelt condolences to families and friends of the deceased. Speedy recovery to all survivors of the accident, who are receiving medical care in various facilities in Kericho and Nakuru Counties."

Kindiki added, "I urge all road users to strictly adhere to traffic rules. I particularly appeal to drivers to exercise extreme caution, and desist from speeding, overloading and dangerous or careless driving."