Top House Republican Says 2015 Biden Evidence Is 'Damning'

 August 12, 2023

House Republican Conference Chair Representative Elise Stefanik, a Republican from New York, is bringing up the one piece of evidence against Joe Biden everyone seems to be ignoring but shouldn't be.

Stefanik is calling a picture from Biden's infamous 2015 trip to Ukraine a "damning photo" that she suggests helps prove his family's corruption.

The image in question depicts then-Vice President Biden on board Air Force Two with a Hunter Biden-linked advisor.

What was Joe Biden doing with one of Hunter's best buddies while on a trip to Ukraine?

Probably being briefed about what was in the best interest of the Biden family, regardless of whether it was perhaps also in the worst interest of American voters.

If you haven't learned by now, then you probably never will: Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are willing to sell out America if it benefits their own family.

"At the time of this photo, [Amos] Hochstein was in communication with Hunter Biden and Burisma where Hunter served on the board," Elise Stefanik said. "We also know that this photo was taken on Air Force Two ahead of Joe Biden's now infamous meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, where Biden threatened to have aid withheld if a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma was not fired."