Tiger King star jumps into Democrat primary from prison

By Jen Krausz on
 July 5, 2023

The star of the Tiger King Netflix series, Joe Exotic, whose real name is Joseph Maldonado-Passage, says he wants to challenge President Joe Biden in the Democrat primary, including debating him "on his failed policies and broken promises."

Exotic thinks he has the support of his fellow inmates as well as all the incarcerated in the U.S. and their friends.

"There’s over 160,000 federal inmates, there’s over two million people incarcerated, at this time, in the United States, now, if you take those two million, everybody that ever has been, and everybody that’s still waiting to be charged or sentenced in this country, and ten of their friends, I could win this,” he said in an interview by phone from FMC Fort Worth Federal Prison.

It wasn't clear whether Exotic knows that the incarcerated can't vote in most of the U.S., although in many states the formerly incarcerated can vote sometime after they are released.

Exotic said he didn't agree with everything in the Democrat party platform, but he believes that he can expand the reach of the party.

“And I think if I do anything in this, I might be able to break the ice to show the American people that it doesn’t matter what party you’re in, you can believe, and you can give the rights to everybody because we have 330 million people-plus in this country, there’s no way you can run a country on one party. You just can’t,” he said.