Gov. Greg Abbott Drops Hammer On Biden...Border In Trouble

 May 9, 2023

President Joe  Biden recently made a move to send 1500 troops to the southern border as thousands of migrants wait on the expiration date of Title 42, which ends this week.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott derided Biden's move to send the troops to the southern border, saying the president is not interested in securing the border, he's interested in filling out paperwork.

Title 42 policies put in place by former President Donald Trump have allowed U.S. officials to turn away tens of thousands of migrants crossing the southern border, but those provisions are set to expire May 11.

"Only when Biden came in and eliminated all those [Trump-era] policies and put out a welcome mat to the entire world that the border is now open, that we suddenly have the chaos that’s caused solely by policies put into place by Joe Biden," said Governor Abbott.

Abbott said Biden’s decision to move troops is "a day late and tens of thousands of soldiers too few."

The governor then contrasted Biden's inaction with Trump's clear action to protect Americans by securing the border during his presidency.

"President Trump sent soldiers to the border to secure the border," said Abbott. "President Biden is sending 1,500 quote soldiers to do paperwork. That is not going to secure the border. We need 15,000 or 150,000 to secure the border because of the open border policies of the Biden administration."