Texas detective shot and killed in line of duty

 July 12, 2024

Donald Trump has a history of supporting our law enforcement and military like few other presidents in American history.

Because we know how much Trump and his family members love law enforcement, they must be having a really tough time coming to grips with the reality of what just happened.

A detective in Harris County, Texas, was fatally "ambushed" on the job.

Chief Deputy Mike Lee said that one of the department's employees was responding to a dispute at a pizza restaurant, where an employee had been pistol-whipped by a customer who was irate over an incorrect order.

The suspect fled in a vehicle, and detectives converged on the last known location.

They eventually split up to cover more ground, and that's when one of the detectives was "apparently ambushed."

He was on the phone with another detective at the time of the shooting. Help arrived and found the detective's vehicle riddled with bullets with the detective in critical condition.

"Due to the severity of the injuries and the adjacent location of this hospital, they decided it was probably in the best interest not to wait for EMS, and they placed our deputy in one of our patrol vehicles and rushed him here to the emergency room where he succumbed to his gunshot wounds," Lee said.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the whole department.