Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Jr. acquitted of all charges

 September 17, 2023

The Texas State Senate has voted to acquit Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Jr. on all sixteen impeachment charges and he has since been reinstated to his role.

Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, president of the Senate and presiding officer of the court, signed the order of acquittal and reinstated Paxton as the attorney general of the State of Texas, officially ending a massive legal battle for one of Donald Trump's strongest allies.

Following the vote, the Senate voted to adjourn, ending any hopes that Paxton's enemies had of removing him from office.

As it turns out, Paxton was in no real danger of being convicted as each individual article needed 21 votes to pass.

When all was said and done, no article got more than 14 votes. This came as a shock to some who believed that the votes would be closer and result in a conviction of Paxton, who has a reputation as one of the Democrat Party's fiercest opponents.

Senate Republican Bob Hall explained, "I think the Senators did an incredibly good job of assessing what was happening. What I can say from my standpoint, it was up to the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, and they utterly failed in what they presented with no evidence to reach that level."