Tennessee father and daughter dead after plane crash

 December 11, 2023

Two individuals were confirmed dead after a single-engine airplane crashed on Thursday in Tennessee.

The Federal Aviation Administration confirmed that a single-engine Beechcraft 35 crashed, and both the pilot and one passenger were confirmed dead.

The pilot was identified as 45-year-old Jenny Blalock, and the second individual was her father, 78-year-old James Blalock.

Jenny Blalock ran a YouTube account titled "TNFlygirl," and the account described Blalock as a "private pilot, flying for fun in a Beechcraft debonair."

While the Federal Aviation Administration is still investigating this tragedy, there is little reason to suspect anything behind mechanical failure or pilot error as reasons for the crash.

Until the FAA concludes its investigation, we won't know for sure. For now, Americans should extend their thoughts and prayers to the Blalock family as they pick up the pieces after this horrible tragedy.