Tate Brothers, Associates Indicted In Romania

 June 21, 2023

Internet "influencers" Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate have been indicted on charges of rape, human trafficking, and organized crime.

Romanian authorities disclosed that two associates of the Tate brothers were also charged.

All four people who have been indicted have denied the allegations, according to the BBC.

The indictment declares that the four individuals teamed up to form an "organized criminal group" in 2021. The goal of the group was apparently to "traffic people in Romania and several other countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom."

The indictment names seven different people who accused the brothers of recruiting them by falsely promising love and marriage.

Based on the amount of money, power, and influence the Tate brothers have, it is going to be hard to put them away.

One outlet has even gone so far as to speculate that the upcoming trial could last for YEARS.

The Tate brothers were first arrested in 2022 in Romania. They were released to house arrest in March of 2023.