Supreme Court's Decision To Hear Jan. 6 Case A Win For Trump

 December 19, 2023

You know that Donald Trump has the backing of millions of voters because even little victories throughout the course of his criminal cases are being celebrated across America.

That's because voters know what the liberal government is trying to do to the former president.

The left isn't trying to play by the rules or even attempting to pursue justice, and liberals are certainly not acting with honor and decorum.

Their only goals for Trump's trials have been to make sure that he does NOT win the 2024 election.

Anything else that happens is either a bonus or collateral damage in their estimation..

They aren't REALLY concerned with putting Trump behind bars.

Although that would work, they're just as interested in draining his time, money, and energy.

Now, it has emerged that the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to weigh in on a key issue related to the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

Depending on what the Supreme Court decides, this could have a major impact on Donald Trump's 2024 goals.

Now that the Supreme Court is -- hopefully -- going to be injecting at least some common sense into this case, Trump is clearly beginning to experience little wins along the way.