Supreme Court takes case questioning federally mandated reimbursement limits

 August 9, 2024

The Supreme Court has agreed to take the case of Advocate Christ Medical Center v. Becerra, which could impact up to $4 billion in federal funding for America's hospitals.

America's Supreme Court is going to decide whether or not the federal Department of Health and Human resources properly reimbursed hospitals for providing care to patients who were receiving financial from the SSI program, or Supplemental Security Income Program.

The fact that this case is reaching the Supreme Court at all just shows what a mess our federal system is.

Many people in America will point to liberals, who have been doing whatever they want with our health care system and economy for years now, somehow making things worse with every decision.

Things are more expensive now in America than ever before, and healthcare is no exception to that rule. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris aren't helping this country, they're killing it.

Liberal overreach is having a very negative impact on this country, and there's only one way to fix it:

At the ballot box in November.