Supreme Court partially reinstates AZ voting law

 August 23, 2024

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the rest of their liberal friends have been trying their hardest to make sure that it is as easy as possible to vote in America, especially in battleground states and even if you might not be an American citizen.

Sure, liberals won't come right out and say that they're trying to let illegal aliens vote in our elections.

They'll just say that they're demanding "voter equality" by doing things like trying to make sure that a valid ID is NOT required to vote on Election Day.

And WHY wouldn't they want ID cards to be required?


Luckily, a group of concerned Republicans realized what Kamala Harris and other liberals have been up to and asked the Supreme Court to step in.

The Supreme Court came through HUGE for all people who believe election security is important, making a 5-4 decision to strengthen "proof-of-citizenship requirements for voting."

"A seismic win in the fight to stop non-citizens from voting — more to come!" RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said.