Straw poll finds Trump is crushing DeSantis in Wisconsin

 June 20, 2023

Former President Donald Trump is crushing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in Wisconsin, according to a straw poll taken at the state's Republican Party convention.

The straw poll found that a whopping 53% of those attending the convention support Trump's candidacy while 34% support DeSantis.

The nearly 20-point gap between Trump and DeSantis has been replicated in other polls. and it seems that DeSantis has been unable to gain ground even with Trump's indictment this past week.

This is terrible news for DeSantis, who has been looking for an opportunity to draw even or pull ahead of Trump.

DeSantis is Trump's only viable competition in the Republican field, and with him unable to gain ground, it seems that Trump's grasp on the nomination is unbreakable.

A lot can change in between now and July of next year, but it seems Americans have taken a look at DeSantis and haven't found something they aren't already getting with Trump.