State Department review of Afghanistan withdrawal 'so disingenuous,' Tim Kennedy says

By Jen Krausz on
 July 2, 2023

Former Army Ranger and Special Forces member Tim Kennedy, called the State Department's review of the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal "so disingenuous" on Saturday and said the report was not honest in its evaluation of the pullout and what happened.

Kennedy said the report didn't tell the extent of how bad the situation was, and that its release right before the 4th of July weekend was an "example" of the State Department "trying to cover up how horrible a chaotic withdrawal that really was."

Instead, the report tried to blame the disastrous withdrawal on lack of planning and coordination and on troop reductions by former President Donald Trump.

In addition, the review was dated March 2022 but was held for over a year before being released at a time when most people aren't paying attention to news.

A White House spokesperson argued that planning did happen, including exercises with contingencies that were worse than what actually happened.

Nevertheless, 13 service members were killed because a special forces member was told to stand down and not shoot the suicide bomber who detonated his vest beforehand, according to subsequent testimony by that soldier.