Speaker Mike Johnson's aides slam NYT for claim about 'fake' phone use

By Jen Krausz on
 February 3, 2024

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA)'s aides are blasting a NYT report complaining that he is using his phone to avoid answering reporters' questions.

Johnson "routinely stopped for hallway interviews" before becoming speaker, but he has "taken to pressing his iPhone to his ear" while walking through the Capitol since, the outlet bemoaned

The speaker's deputy chief of communications, Raj Shah, tweeted that Johnson has given 25 interviews and 10 press conferences since taking the gavel in October. In the same time period, President Joe Biden gave two interviews and three press conferences, Shah noted.

"Who's inaccessible?" Shah asked. Good point.

The Speaker's director of media affairs, Corinne Day, said on X, "Proud to keep the Speaker booked and busy. Maybe the NYT just hasn't tuned in?"

Aide Taylor Haulsee also posted, "In a feat of journalism, the NYT has uncovered that Mike Johnson is on the phone more often now that he is Speaker of the House of Representatives." Guess they told them.