Speaker McCarthy claims Biden's DOJ is using Trump indictments as distractions

 August 2, 2023

Special Counsel Jack Smith has charged former President Donald Trump with four felonies related to the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Many, including House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), believe the timing of the new charges was far from coincidental, suggesting that the new indictment came right as the heat intensified in the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden's alleged influence-peddling scheme that likely included his father's involvement.

According to Breitbart, McCarthy also made clear that he believes Trump's continued dominance in the 2024 polls spurred the new indictment, as Trump remains President Joe Biden's most serious threat to winning the general election.

The Republican House leader, in no uncertain terms, laid out what he believes is happening right now regarding the bombshell indictment news on Tuesday.

"We’ve recently learned: Hunter received money from China (contradicting President Biden’s claim); President Biden spoke with Hunter’s business associates over 20 times (contradicting what Biden previously claimed); Biden’s DOJ tried to secretly give Hunter broad immunity and admitted the sweetheart deal was unprecedented," McCarthy tweeted.

The speaker added, "And just yesterday a new poll showed President Trump is without a doubt Biden’s leading political opponent. Everyone in America could see what was going to come next: DOJ’s attempt to distract from the news and attack the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, President Trump."

McCarthy vowed that House GOP leaders will continue the multiple investigations into the Biden family, with House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) leading the charge.

"House Republicans will continue to uncover the truth about Biden Inc. and the two-tiered system of justice," McCarthy wrote.

Other Republican leaders and many of Trump's supporters echoed the same feeling in that they believe Biden's DOJ is simply doing everything it can to put a dent in Trump's chances of winning in 2024.

On the contrary, through two previous indictments, one state and one federal, Trump has managed to take full advantage of the situation, including a boost in fundraising and continued strong support in current polling.

Social media users reacted to McCarthy's post by echoing statements that demanded he do something about the multiple indictments and constant targeting of the former president.

"We’ve repeatedly learned that Kevin McCarthy is an empty suit coward. He knows the DOJ is weaponized against Trump and he does nothing. Kevin McCarthy did nothing yesterday, today and he will do nothing tomorrow. Vacate the Speaker," one Twitter user wrote.

According to the Associated Press, the 45th president could soon face another state-level indictment out of Georgia regarding his alleged actions shortly after the vote count in the 2020 election.