Sotomayor doesn't think you should have guns, but for her it's fine

By Jen Krausz on
 July 12, 2024

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor should be thanking her lucky stars that she hasn't gotten her way on the Second Amendment after members of her Secret Service detail shot a would-be carjacker in front of her residence.

Sotomayor said as far back as 2010 that she didn't think people should be able to have guns to protect themselves, but that's easy for her to say when she has armed guards stationed outside her house at all times.

The jurist wasn't even home when the incident occurred, and the authorities don't think she was the target, but that's not really the point.

Most of us are not provided with bodyguards to protect us from carjackers. In fact, a former official in the administration of Donald Trump died recently from injuries he received when he was shot by a carjacker in D.C.

In a fair world, government officials who have armed protection should not even get a say about whether the rest of us can carry guns to protect ourselves from an ever-growing crop of violent criminals.

That includes the powers-that-be in Washington, D.C., where gun laws are very strict and violent crime is very high.