Six members of the Obama administration used email aliases

By Jen Krausz on
 August 20, 2023

It wasn't only Vice President Joe Biden who used alias email addresses to send official correspondence: six members of the Biden administration did so, according to reporting by Breitbart.

The number is unusual, Breitbart said, and begged the question, what did they have to hide?

Barack Obama himself used an alias email address, along with his then-EPA chief Lisa Jackson, Attorney Generals Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and of course, Biden.

The worst offender was probably Clinton, who used her alias email address for all of her official communication. Obama claimed not to have known this, but it's hard to believe he didn't.

Like Biden, Clinton was way too cozy with Chinese officials, and the Clinton Foundation was largely funded by China, even though it didn't really do much of anything other than put money in the Clintons' pockets through an operation very similar to money laundering.

Sound familiar? Seems like Biden wasn't the only one using his office for personal (or family) gain.