6 key states could cost Biden 2024 election, Fox News says

By Jen Krausz on
 December 4, 2023

An analysis of recent polls and reports has led to Fox News reporting that six battleground states could cost President Joe Biden his re-election hopes in 2024.

The states listed are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

If Trump wins these states in addition to traditional Republican strongholds like he did in 2016, he could easily get the 270 electoral votes he needs to win the Electoral College.

Polls suggest that Biden is losing support from Black, Latino and younger voters, all of whom have traditionally supported Democrat candidates.

"The lack of enthusiasm and declining support is certainly real," noted veteran Democratic pollster and strategist Chris Anderson.

Anderson thinks when voters see former President Donald Trump's name opposite Biden's, there will be a move back toward the Democrat side, but we won't know that until it happens.